Texas Concealed Carry

Recently I was Asked,

“If you expect people to voluntarily take gun education and abide by it.  You might consider, why seat belts are mandatory”

My first thought was, Although not a very good point in relation to the topic of guns or gun laws, I see where they’re going.

After further thought, considering how these two different subjects relate I began to realize, Maybe,  Just maybe there is a common link,🤔 

Why are seatbelts mandatory?  What is their function?  How can they help or hinder?

In the same way seatbelts can save your life or greatly reduce injury in a rollover collision. Concealed handguns can save our lives when thrown into immediate danger or threat of life. 

We hope to never test the seatbelts we wear on our daily commute .    The same applies to our concealed handgun    It’s there to protect us when a threat presents itself,  we hope that day never comes.   

Wearing a seatbelt can be annoying and uncomfortable at times, Our concealed carry isn’t always in the best spot either and can be very annoying, Can they save our life?  Absolutely!  Should we always wear it while driving?  Of course!, Should we Carry to protect ourselves or others? only You can answer that.

Much Love and Respect to you all

Thanks Randy for the thought provoking comment

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